Great Falls Performing Arts Center Study
Auburn, ME
The Community Little Theatre and the City of Auburn
March 2008
Community arts center with theatre, backstage spaces, and artists studios
Steel structure; masonry walls and built-up roof
The Community Little Theatre and the City of Auburn, Maine, join forces to explore creation of a community arts center. Seeking a new use the onetime Edward T. Little High School, the new arts center would offer a 200-seat performance theater, backstage spaces, and artists studios in the refurbished facility, with an addition including a public lobby and courtyard social space to provide a renewed identity
The feasibility study provides a vision of that future complex and an objective evaluation of its economic viability. It includes a comprehensive building evaluation with: assessment of exterior masonry envelope and built-up roof; programming for current and future uses; cost estimation; and a business plan for the arts center, with the Theatre as prime tenant or managing agent.