Carol Burns
cb [at]
Carol Burns, an architect, educator, and author, has nationally-recognized expertise in integrating architectural design within its larger site context. She has specialized experience with design studies including programming, feasibility, and master plans. Bringing a passion for clear communication with complex client groups, her focus on preliminary services has provided to projects subsequently designed and built the invaluable benefit of testing preliminary concepts against real conditions in terms of buildability and cost control. Carol has most recently concentrated on design of buildings and interiors for not-for-profit and community organizations.
Site Matters: Strategies for Uncertainty Through Planning and Design, 2nd Edition, contibuting co-editor with Andrea Kahn, Routlege, New York, 2020
Site Matters: Design Concepts, Histories and Strategies, contributing co-editor with Andrea Kahn, Routledge, New YorK Including introduction “Why Site Matters” (with Andrea Kahn) and “High Performance Sites”, 2005
Thinking the Present: Recent American Architecture, co-editor with Michael Hays, Princeton Architectural Press Including “The Gehry Phenomenon”, 1990
Perspecta 21, Journal of the Yale School of Architecture Contributing co-editor with Robert Taylor, MIT Press
Including site specific construction with architect and sculpture students, “Norfolk Projects” at Yale University Battell Stoeckel estate, 1984 [Selected Articles Shown]
Essays on "Education, Research, Equity, Energy, Infrastructure, Technology, and Collaboration, Goat Rodeo", Daniel S. Friedman, ed., Seattle: Fried Fish Publishing, 2016
Time for Building, Wentworth Architecture Review, vol. 3, eds. Samantha Altieri, J.T. White, Samantha Partington, Lucy Brown, Josephy Meucci; Boston: D.S Graphics, 2013 Including “The Gehry Phenomenon", 1990
“Seeding Knowledge,” Architecture Boston, vol. 14, no. 3, Elizabeth Padjen, ed., Boston Society of Architects (BSA), 2011
“Is Not / Is,” editorial on prefabricated housing, arcCA, Journal of the AIA California, vol. 4, 2007
On Site: Architectural Preoccupations, reprinted in Introducing Architectural Theory: Debating a Discipline, Korydon Smith, ed., New York: Routledge, 2012 On Landscape Urbanism, Dean Almy, ed., Center for American Architecture and Design,Center vol. 14, The University of Texas at Austin l 2007 first published in Drawing/Building/Text, Andrea Kahn, ed., Princeton Architectural Press, 1991
“School Spirit,” roundtable discussion, Architecture Boston, Elizabeth Padjen, ed.,2005 Pohly & Partners, Inc., for the BSA, Vol. 8, No. 5
“On Manufactured Housing,”Massive Change, Bruce Mau, ed., Phaidon Press, New York
"The Future of Boston City Hall," commentary in Banker and Tradesman, April 19, 2004
"Architects Design Manufactured Housing," Automated Builder magazine, February, 2004
"Housing Finance and Regulation" in Urban Life: Housing in the Contemporary City website entry for project sponsored by the Urban League of New York, Els Verbakel, ed., 2004 web forum participant Urban Life: Housing in the Contemporary City: Finance and Regulation, 2003
“Mobile Home,” Encyclopedia of 20th-Century Architecture, R. Stephen Sennott, ed., Routledge, 2003
A Manufactured Housing Studio: Home On the Highway, Journal of Architectural Education, 2001 Barbara Allen, ed., ACSA/MIT Press, Vol. 55, No. 1 Including “The Gehry Phenomenon", 1990
“Not Your Father's Trailer,” Architecture Boston, Elizabeth Padjen, ed., 2001 Boston Society of Architects (BSA), Vol. 4, No. 1
“An Approach to Alignment: Professional Education and Professional Practice in Architecture” Reprinted as “Approaching Alignment” in The Discipline of Architecture, 2000 Andrzej Piotrowski and Julia Robinson, eds., U Minnesota Press translated into Chinese and published in China reprinted in Practices 5/6, Daniel Friedman, ed., Center for the Study of Practice, University of Cincinnati, 1997 reprinted in GSD News Selections: 1993-1996, 1997 first published in GSD News, 1996
“Review of Good Neighbors by Tom Jones, William Pettus, and Michael Pyatok,” 2000 Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, Philip Tabor, ed., Locke Science Publishing Company, Inc.
“Review of Ranches, Rowhouses and Railroad Flats by Christine Hunter,” 1999 Elizabeth Padjen, ed., Boston Society of Architects (BSA), Vol. 2, No. 4
“Re: Visions of Architecture’s Way Forward,” Journal of Architectural Education, Diane Ghirardo, ed., 51:3, 1998
“Land as a Commodity of Limited Supply, Thresholds 4," James O’Brien and Greg Russell, eds., 1998 Department of Architecture, MIT
“Master Pieces Interview with Norman Fletcher,“ Architecture Boston, Elizabeth Padjen, ed., 1998 Boston Society of Architects (BSA), Vol. 1, No. 1
“Ideas are Floated for S. Boston Waterfront,” Anthony Flint, The Boston Globe, June 29 1998
“Globalization and Design Practices: Cities and Spatial Politics” in Traditional Dwellings and Settlements, 1997 Nezar AlSayyad, ed., International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments, vol. 77
"Editorial on “New Urbanism” in Banker and Tradesman, 1996
"A Review of Bauhaus in America” film review in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 1996
“A Review of Building Community,” Carnegie Report on Education, GSD News, 1996
“The Global Economy and Architecture: Introduction” in Reflections on Architectural, 1996 Practices in the Nineties, William S. Saunders, ed., Princeton Architectural Press
“Globalization and Architectural Practices: A Double Project” in ACSA Annual Proceedings, 1996
“Alternate Parking Lots” one of the “21st Century Landscapes” in Landscape Architecture 80:12, 1990
“Feminism and Architecture” conference, The New School/Parsons Invited “Representation” panel moderator, volunteer conference scribe, 2015
“Discoveries: Paul Rudolph’s Government Service Center," presentation to Carole Gladstone, Commissioner, and DCAMM staff, 2015
“Preservation Issues in Paul Rudolph’s Government Service Center,” presentation to DOCOMOMO New England, 2015
“EPIC: Paul Rudolph’s Government Service Center,” presentation to WIT Academic Leadership Team, off-site meeting, 2015
“Civic Leadership, Scholarship, and the Government Service Center,” presentation to the Rappaport Board of Greater Boston, 2015
BSA Board Knowledge/Practice, invited discussion participant, 2015
“Paths to Leadership: Small, Medium Large” presentation, ABx, 2014
“The Ongoing Evolution of the Architectural Profession” panel moderator, AIA New England Annual Conference, Providence, 2014
“Paths to Leadership: Practice; Write; Teach; Serve; Lead from Below, Beside, Above” presentation, Women in Design Payette, 2014
“Re: Business of Architecture” panelist and task group moderator, Boston Society of Architects and Autodesk, 2014
Strategic Planning Retreat invited participant, Lyceum Fellowship, 2013
“Thesis and Practice” presentation on Tulane School of Architecture thesis projects, Ogden Museum, New Orleans, 2012
“Two Minds are Better Than One,” lecture with Carl Rosenberg at Roger Williams University, 2008
“Research in Architecture: Fostering a Culture of Creating and Sharing Knowledge” session organization and presentation, national AIA convention, Boston, 2008
“Centers for Campus and Student Life: Mission-Mindedness and Multifunctionality,” session organization and Presentation, Society of College and University Planners (SCUP), North Atlantic Conference, New Haven, 2008
“Research in Practice” lecture at Woodbury University School of Architecture, San Diego, 2008
“Books and Buildings” panel, review of On Landscape Urbanism, edited by Dean Almy, UT Austin, 2008
“Collaboration in Practice” presentation to the Boston Architectural College board retreat, 2008
Women in Design Award of Excellence, Boston Society of Architects, 2017
BSA Unbuilt Architecture Traveling Exhibit of Red Line Wind Farm
Faculty Work Exhibit, Wentworth Institute of Technoloy
Palladio's Sister Exhibit, AIA National Convention
Design Innovation in Manufactured Housing exhibit, Rhode Island School of Design
EPIC Collaboration on the Government Service Center designed by Paul Rudolph with Wentworth Institute of Technology 2013-present and the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance
Women’s Leadership Summit, semi-annual national AIA conferences focused on the status of women in the profession, 2008-present
Co-founder with Carole Wedge, Sho-Ping Chen, Heather Taylor, and Jeanne Lukenda, with semi-annual events including:
“AIA Women’s Leadership Summit” national conference organization and “Call to Action” presentation, 2015
“Marketing” Table Topic discussion leader; “Sho-Ping Chin Tribute” video introduction (Seattle)
National Survey “Who’s Taken Steps” documenting initiatives taken by individuals following participation in WLS, 2014
“AIA Women’s Leadership Summit” national conference organization and
“Introduction to the Summit” presentation (Phoenix), 2013
“AIA Women’s Leadership Summit” national conference organization and
“Edge of Design,” session organization and presentation (Kansas City), 2011
“AIA Women’s Leadership Summit” national conference organization and
“Design Leadership,” session organization and presentation (Chicago), 2009
Research Awards Program, sponsored by the Boston Society of Architects Co-founder with Brian Healy of an annual awards program, including formation of annual jury panel, 2003-2011
University of Arkansas "Super Jury", 2015
ACSA Steel Competition jury, 2012
The John M. Clancy Award for Socially Responsible Housing, 2009
BSA Unbuilt Architecture jury, 2008
Author, “Culinary Arts College,” brief for ACSA Steel Competition, 2011