Great Hall of Codman Square

  • Boston, MA

    City of Boston Public Facilities Department

    October 2008

    • Accessibility improvements with a new elevator

    • Renovations of the assembly space and office; provision of a new accessible restroom

    • Evaluation of existing structural and MEP systems for re-use and replacement suitability, through diligent code and cost analysis

  • A gem of a public assembly space on the main level of the Great Hall of Codman Square is made fully accessible in an approach that preserves the historic character of the building, built in 1928 as the Dorchester Public Library and now listed within a National Register Historic District. To preserve the historic main entrance facade, a LULA-type elevator is fitted into available interior space and accessed by a ramped side entry. Extensive study and abatement of asbestos and underground oil contamination concluded with a clear construction scope. Coordinated with the City of Boston Public Facilities Department and two not-for-profit tenants—Codman Academy, a charter school and Codman Community Square Health Center —the design improves accessibility, sustainability, life safety, and remediation of urban toxins. Along with preservation of the historic structure, the design strategically reworks existing building systems to minimize cost and disruption. Not a single day of school was missed, and construction involved no change orders.

  • Accessibility improvements include a new elevator fitted into interior space as well as site design to negotiate a sloping site, fitting accessibility and egress mandates into existing topography.


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