Mass Development Gateway Cities Studies
Completed studies for:
Marriner Building, Lawrence
10-14 Bates, Devens Window Replacement, Devens
Holyoke Armory Reuse, Holyoke
First National Bank Reuse Study, Greenfield
Lynn Viaducts Mobile Modular Work Spaces Study, Lynn
Hotel Jess Reuse Study, Holyoke
Mass Development
October 2020
The Massachusetts Development Finance Agency (MassDevelopment) works as both a lender and developer with businesses, nonprofits, financial institutions, and communities to stimulate economic growth across the Commonwealth. Through its collaborations the agency helps create jobs, revitalize urban environments, increase housing availability, and address factors limiting economic growth including transportation, energy, and infrastructure deficiencies. MassDevelopment has repeatedly turned to Taylor & Burns Architects for projects in its Transformative Development Initiative (TDI), a program to accelerate economic growth within focused districts in Gateway Cities by working with cross-sector partnerships to spur public and private investment.
In a wide variety of projects, Taylor & Burns Architects leads design teams in feasibility analyses and due diligence analysis of existing buildings for renovation, repair, and redevelopment across a broad range of types, including commercial, industrial, institutional, mixed-use, and smaller-scale projects of 1,000 to 40,000 sf. All projects involve. Within the mix, projects involve collaboration with community stakeholders, design for historic rehabilitation including analysis of eligibility and cost to comply with historic tax credit requirements, and LEED prerequisites. The scope for studies includes architectural, MEP, and structural assessment and design, code review, and cost estimating in order to study and promote reuse of urban structures.