MassDOT Highway Maintenance Facilities

  • Andover, MA

    Billerica, MA

    Braintree, MA

    MassDOT Highway Division

    October 2016

    • Highway maintenance field office, restrooms, and break room

    • Cold storage for 5,000 tons of road salt, and space for loading onto spreader plow trucks

    • Vehicle maintenance facilities

    • Paved work yard for seasonal operations

  • A series of projects for Massachusetts DOT includes three realized highway maintenance facilities conceived as prototype study. Each accommodates a salt storage shed, maintenance garage, office work building with restrooms and support space, and site design to optimize work yard and parking. Each barn is a variation on a structure with prefabricated high clearance wood trusses spanning between concrete retaining walls. These facilities are designed to operate in extreme winter blizzard conditions and resist extreme interior corrosive environments. The various configurations are being “road tested” for operational efficiency and durability, ultimately for statewide implementation.

  • The Andover depot is MassDOT’s first LEED-certified building. Sustainable features pursued at Andover and at subsequent facilities (though not LEED certified) include:

    • Protection of onsite and abutting wetlands from salination, through salt cover and perimeter containment

    • “Rain garden” stormwater filtration to collect, clean, and return site catchment and runoff to aquifer

    • Zero-maintenance water-efficient landscape vegetation

    • Roof area oriented to maximize effectiveness of PVC array

    • Minimized project size and minimized areas of conditioned space

    • Locally sourced, sustainably harvested, high recycled-content, and low-VOC building materials used throughout

    • Abundant daylighting and high-efficiency LED electric lighting throughout

    • On-site generation of photovoltaic electricity with solar panels

    • Energy-efficient HVAC system: fresh outdoor air intake is tempered with energy recovered by heat-exchangers from the exhaust airstream

    • High insulation values


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